اسپکترومتر رامان مینیاتوری مدل ANIL-785
برای استعلام قیمت محصول تماس بگیرید
برای استعلام قیمت محصول تماس بگیرید
Miniature RAMAN Spectrometer
Raman spectroscopy is the “fingerprint spectrum” of molecular vibration.
Different material molecules have different vibration frequencies, so they are
often used as an important basis for material identification. Raman
technology has many unique advantages over traditional infrared and
chemical methods. First, Raman scattering of water is very weak. So, Raman
spectroscopy is an ideal tool for studying biological samples and chemical
compounds in aqueous solution. Second, Raman’s peaks are sharp and clear,
and are more suitable for quantitative research, database search, and
qualitative analysis using differential analysis. Third, Raman can cover about
4000 wavenumber intervals at the same time, and can analyze organic matter
and inorganic matter. Fourth, samples (solid, liquid, gas) for Raman
measurements no need to be pretreated, and with advantages of no contact,
lossless, real-time and testing materials through transparent packaging.
• Food and beverage safety
• Biomedical testing
• Material science
• Pharmaceutical
• Drug and Explosive
• Jewelry appraisal
• Bioprocess monitoring
• Quality by Design
Anil-785, is a portable raman spectrometer with an excitation wavelength of
785 nm laser. In Anil-785 multi-mode narrow linewidth laser emits laser light,
focuses on the sample through a Raman probe, and the raman signal
generated by the interaction with the sample is collected by the probe and
transmitted to the fiber spectrometer to obtain the final raman spectrum of
the sample.
Anil-785, is designed with compact size, light weight and low consumption.
So, it can provide laboratory Raman detection at any place. It suits to scientific
research in the laboratory for accurate and reliable detecting results. Its
excellent low stray light enables spectrometers to be applied to a wide variety
of sectors, especially in biochemistry analyzer, food safety, pharmaceutical
engineering etc. Its multi-functional software promotes the spectral analysis
process in the application
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هیچ دیدگاهی برای این محصول نوشته نشده است.